Youth Gathering Superbowl Pizzas

Watching the big game on Feb 9th? You're going to need some pizza!
Fresh-made pizzas are now available for pre-order - all pizzas will be made by the St. John Senior Youth Group members, and all proceeds will go toward funding our members attending the National Youth Gathering in the Summer of 2025.
Order yours now by downloading and printing this form. Orders are due no later than Sunday February 2nd, and can be turned in at the church.
Welcome to St. John Lutheran Church
The purpose of St. John Lutheran Church in Newhall, as God's chosen people is:
- Sharing with all people the good news of Jesus Christ.
- Serving with love those in need.
- Growing in personal faith.
so that all would believe in Jesus Christ and be saved.
We are a member congregation of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

Faith in Education
St. John Lutheran Church is blessed to share our ministry with Central Lutheran School, a Preschool through Grade 8 center located in Newhall, Iowa.
“Central Lutheran School assists our families and congregations by preparing our children to be disciples in this life, and for the life to come.” This is what we truly believe and teach.