2019 St. John's Servants
Nominated by the congregation, these faithful saints were recognized in October for their service to St. John, Central Lutheran School, and the organizations supported by both the church and school. Well Done Faithful Servants.

UKANDU ~ June ~ Inner City Chicago
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession that you may declare praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9
This is for incoming freshman through adults. Come and serve with old and new friends, come and serve the one who served us.
If you wish to learn more about future UKANDU, contact Holly at 319-223-5593.
Mission Of Hope - 3rd Monday of each month
St. John is committed to supporting the Mission Of Hope in Cedar Rapids, preparing and serving a meal on the 3rd Monday of each month, as well as delivering donations of food for their pantry, clothing for their closet, and labor for the various tasks in need of completion as the opportunities arises.
Sign up for the monthly service opportunity in the North Narthex, or contact Joe Wallace. You may also contact the Mission of Hope directly for other opportunities.
Mission Central is the largest mission supporting agency, as a part of the Missouri Synod's LCMS World Mission Global Gospel Outreach.
Mission Central has been blessed by God to be the conduit helping to raise millions of dollars every year to send and keep LCMS World Mission Missionaries in the field.
Since 2003, Mission Central has had hundreds and hundreds of visits from LCMS missionaries and their families (many have come several times) and has had tens and tens of thousands of people from hundreds of congregations visit. To learn more about Mission Central, visit their website.
Learn about making Plarn and put those crochet skills to work in our Plastic Mat Mission. Using plastic grocery bags, our ongoing servant project creates plastic mats that are distributed to our various mission partners in need. Interested in serving in this way, contact the Church Office at 319-223-5593

Celebrate Your Blessings & Beautify the Sanctuary
If you would like to give flowers to honor a special occasion for the glory of God, please help the Flower Committee by signing up for the Sunday of your choice on the Flower Chart - located in the South Narthex.
Adult Bible Study Servers
Join us for Sunday Morning Bible Study, food and fellowship! If hospitality is your strength, please consider becoming a Bible Study Host or Hostess. Contact Sally Wendel for more information at . We also appreciate any bakers/cooks who may be interested in contributing to our Sunday Adult Bible Study snacks - sign up on the notebook found in the kitchen.
Bulletin Assistants
St. John is always in need of helpful hands to assemble Sunday bulletins. If you are interested in some light administrative work, and would like to volunteer your services in this way, please contact the Church Office.
Other Completed and Ongoing Servant Events
2018 Zumba for Iowa Tornado Victims
2008 & 2017 ~ Cedar Rapids Flood Recovery
2007 ~ Mexico
2005 & 2006 ~ New Orleans Hurricane Relief
Cross Roads Missions