At St. John, we strive to connect every one of our members to one another through faith, fellowship, friendship and fun! Take a look below to find one or more ways to connect with your Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

Junior Youth Group
Grade 5 through Grade 8
Monthly fun activities coupled with service opportunities, the Junior Youth joins young Christians from the circuit congregations to strengthen their servant hearts - and build friendships along the way.
Contact the church office for more information.
Grade 9 through Grade 12
Meets weekly between Sunday Worship Services (9:15 -10:15 AM) for bible study, and holds monthly fun activities in service of our congregation and our community.
Contact the church office for more information.

Second week in June (Monday - Friday 9am - 11:55am)
Classes: Age 3 (as of Jan 1 of the current year) through those completing Grade 6
Children enjoy learning more about God's AWESOME Works through crafts, stories, music and recreation time each summer in VBS! Volunteers are welcome (Grade 7 through Adult).
More Details to come in May!
Contact the Church Office.

Jesus First, Others Second, Yourself Last. This group is just for women, and meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Each member takes a turn hosting the group at their home.
Contact Jeanne Duffy (319-223-2031)
Lutheran Women's Missionary League
(LWML) are the women of St. John who provide many services within the church and also through their mission work outside of the church. They welcome all women of the congregation to serve on committees such as Altar, Flower, Social, or to help with donations or funeral serving. This group meets regularly on the 2nd Thursday of each month for fellowship, event planning, and time in The Word.
Contact Kay Gebert (319-223-5557)

Know how to sew? Yes or no, it doesn't matter. Bring your desire to learn and a willingness to help and you can be a part of our team that sews and ties quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Any and all are welcome to join this very important servant opportunity.
Contact the church office for more details.
Voter's Assembly
Any communicant member is welcome to join the Voter's Assembly, which meets the 2nd Wednesday of every other month. Though membership in the Voter's Assembly, individuals have the opportunity to serve on the Congregational Boards and Committees.
Please attend one of the bi-monthly meetings to inquire about becoming a member.
Bring your Voice! Adult Choir needs you! The choir meets every Wednesday between September and May at 6:30 PM. Meet in the choir loft.
Contact the Church Office
Have experience with Hand Bells? Know how to read music? We have opportunities for all ages at various times throughout the year to serve in this unique and melodious way! Those interested should contact the church office to inquire about the next available opportunity.
Small Groups! Solos! Instrumental Music! Use your gifts from God to beautify our worship services!
Contact the church office if you would like to share your musical gifts!